suddenly i ask her 1 quest.
i ask mummy y ur daughter,me,
don like account or bussiness o anything else???
if i like account o bussiness,
mayb i no nid 2 waste so much money d...
mayb i wil same like most of my frens,
wil b graduate in 3 to 4 years,
can come out early to work,
n earn more money....
mayb is easier for u papa n mummy.
mayb u all no nid 2 work til so hard d.
But y i pian pian choose tis course???
my mummy oso say yalo yalo...(in a funny way)
Sry papa mummy!
sry cos i make tis decision.....
but wat to do..........
i d make tis choice.........
i cant regret anymore...........
cos i d start it...........
so i mz continue it til d end...........
the only thing i can do is i must try my best ,
study hard,
make papa mummy proud of me....